Monday, 8 April 2013

Steven Neville for Buckhurst Hill and Loughton South

On 2nd May 2013, we have the chance for electing a new county councillor in Buckhurst Hill and Loughton South. Fours years ago I stood for the division and beat Labour amongst others. This year with the collapsed Lib Dem vote there are real chances for progress. Last year 26 votes separated me and the Conservatives in the Buckhurst Hill East part of the division.
County deals with education and youth facilities and Highways, among other things.
If elected I will be pushing for:
 more funding for Highways so we can mend our roads and footpaths  our Highways Panel to reduce speed limits in residential roads for the safety of all  better bus services  more primary school places  tackling the issue of siblings being forced to go to different schools  holding Essex to account over its spending cuts to Highways  Challenge Essex over its lack of accountability.
 As someone who works with young people I am concerned about the lack of youth facilities and have working with community based group this year to start to redress this.

I am concerned that Essex Councillors have the highest expenses in East Anglia. This is appalling when you think of the state of our roads and the cutbacks we have seen: with fewer inspectors to look at our areas of concern it takes longer than it used to get things sorted. Steven Neville Here all year.

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